The Journey of Personal Development
I’ve been struggling for a while now trying to figure out what to do after graduating. What’s a better way to hold yourself accountable to learn new skills than to create a blog? And so the journey of personal development goes on.
What is Personal Development
Simply put, it’s a means to continually improve ourselves. This involves many conscience decisions to develop a plan for our life goals and the needed steps to accomplish those goals. The book in the featured photo is a book by Cal Newport that as the title gives it away, “So Good They Can’t Ignore You’. This is a great read if you’re looking to develop the “craftsman mindset” where passion follows skill. Alongside with reading more, there’s an app called Habitica that makes it fun to build new habits and easy to unlearn bad ones.
Learn to learn
My professor Dan once told me a three very valuable words, “Learn to learn.” Structured learning is essential in learning new skills quickly. A redditor gave a great example on how to learn piano (though it can be applied to many other skills).
“I would say it is like learning a language and be able to write notes down (vocab etc..) where as learning guitar would be like learning a language without ever reading or writing the language. you are just speaking. sure you can actually get to sound okay bt you don’t really know what your doing or why.” – Samjam48
Answering “why” is an important question to learning any skill. It’ll remind you the reason why it’s meaningful to you.
It wasn’t too long ago that I was watching motivational videos that led me to find amazing YouTube channels such as Tony Robbins, Gary Vaynerchuk, Thomas Frank and Charlie Houpert. These people have given such great advice on life that I can’t help but to share their wisdom.
Inspiration and life advice
Learn great habits and advice
Learn the psychology of other people
Go out and plan your own journey of personal development!